Biosimilars and cancer Supportive Care

There have been several updates in adult vaccine recommendations since the last set of guidelines were released. One of the most notable: the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine be given to all amae and females aged 13 to 26. Vaccination is also recommended for males through age 26 who have sex with men and for those whose immune system may be compromised. Other significant changes include: The ACIP now suggests that adults without evidence of prior immunity to chickenpox receive the varicella vaccine. Special consideration should be given to those at high risk for infection or transmission, such as health care workers and teachers Those who are in close contact with people at high risk of infection. Family and others who come in contact with people with compromised immune systems

About the Speaker

Dr Abdul Rahman Agha El Kinge
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Dr Abdul Rahman Agha El Kinge

Consultant Family Physician & Diabetologist Media Head of AFPI Karnataka

Dr Abdul Rahman Agha El Kinge is currently working as Consultant in Medical Oncology Fakeeh University Hospital, Dubai and also Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor in University Of Sharjah. He is Chairperson, Institutional Review Board in Fakeeh Hospital. He is a Member, Blood Utilisation and Tissue review Committee & Academic Training Affairs Committee. He was awarded as best Performance Doctor & Commendation Award as Leader of Blood Bank Transfusion Services Team, by Riyadh

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Dr Abdul Rahman Agha El Kinge 's Talks on Assimilate