Unexplained Infertility: Diagnostic Techniques

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About the Case Presentation

Unexplained infertility refers to the inability to conceive despite thorough evaluation showing no identifiable cause in both partners. Diagnostic techniques focus on ruling out common issues through tests like semen analysis, ovulation assessment, and imaging studies such as hysterosalpingography (HSG) or transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate the reproductive anatomy. Advanced tests, including laparoscopy, can identify subtle conditions like endometriosis or pelvic adhesions. Hormonal evaluations, genetic testing, and endometrial receptivity analysis are also employed to uncover less apparent factors. Despite these methods, unexplained infertility often remains challenging to diagnose, highlighting the need for personalized care and ongoing research.

About the Speaker


Dr. Richika Sahay

Head Fertility specialist & Gynec-Laparoscopic surgeon, INDIA IVF Clinic, New Delhi

Dr. Richika Sahay Shukla is infertility and IVF Specialist. She is a well qualified and trained professional. Dr. Richika has wide experience and has done extensive training in the field of IVF-ICSI & Gynecological Endoscopy. She has worked with some of the pioneer institutes in India such as AIIMS and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. She is an expert in doing In- Vitro fertilization(IVF)/ICSI by various protocols and in difficult cases like an elderly patient, postmenopausal, poor ovarian responders. She is an expert in doing Surrogacy, Donor eggs conception. She is an expert in doing difficult oocyte retrieval (adhered ovaries, high ovaries, ovaries with endometriosis). She is an expert in doing difficult Embryo transfers. She has made several patients conceive by doing fertility enhancing surgeries by Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy (like septal resection, intrauterine adhesiolysis, myomectomy, tubal cannulation). She is well versed with Ultrasound catering to infertility, GYN & OBG