Diabetes Innovations in- Glucose Monitoring

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) devices have revolutionized diabetes management by providing real-time glucose readings, eliminating the need for finger-pricking. Advances in CGM technology have led to smaller, more discreet sensors that can be worn for longer periods, improving patient compliance. Non-invasive glucose monitoring techniques, such as wearable patches and smartwatches, are emerging as promising alternatives to traditional blood-based methods. Integration of CGM data with smartphone apps and cloud-based platforms allows patients to track their glucose levels, analyze trends, and share data with healthcare providers for better personalized care. Implantable CGM sensors are being developed, which can provide long-term glucose monitoring without the need for frequent sensor replacements. Closed-loop insulin delivery systems, also known as artificial pancreas systems, use CGM data to automatically adjust insulin doses, leading to tighter glucose control.

About the Speaker

Dr. J.Jayaprakashsai
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Dr. J.Jayaprakashsai

Senior General Physician, Diabetologist, Apollo Sugar Clinics, Hyderabad

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